HomeActivities101+ Fun Things To Do With Your Dog: Free, Low Cost and...

101+ Fun Things To Do With Your Dog: Free, Low Cost and Near You

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things to do with your dog

If you’re like me, your dog is your #1.

But sometimes it’s frustrating trying to find things to do that are dog-friendly. That’s why we’ve pulled together our best ideas for you try whenever you’re bored (be sure to bookmark this page!).

This post is broken up into a few lists of dog activities. The master list contains every activity. If you’re looking for a more specific type of activity (free, inside, social, near you) scroll down for those lists.


Fun Things To Do with Your Dog: The Master List

If you’re looking for new things to do with your dog in general, this master list is for you.

  1. Check eventbrite.com for local dog events in your area
  2. Check out meetup.com for dog meet ups in your area
  3. Practice a few basic tricks
  4. Amp up your dogs game by teaching her some complex tricks
  5. Visit a new park
  6. Rainy day? Here’s 7 things to do inside
  7. Plan your dog’s birthday party (7 steps to the pawfect party here)
  8. Throw a puppy party—even if it’s not your dog’s birthday!
  9. Go jogging together
  10. Go to a drive-in movie theatre with your best pal
  11. Spend the night at a dog-friendly hotel (or plan for a mini-vacation!)
  12. Make a DIY dog crystal collar
  13. Make a puzzle toy for your dog
  14. Make a DIY dog toy using these 5 ideas or 6 more tutorials here
  15. Play tug of war
  16. Cuddle <3
  17. Make homemade dog treats
  18. Make homemade dog food
  19. Do the dog blanket challenge
  20. Take your dog to an obedience class (or research one and sign up!)
  21. Let your dog pick out a toy or treat at the pet store
  22. Drive or take transit to a new part of town and let your dog sniff the new scents
  23. Play around in piles of leaves
  24. Find a tree to read under and tie your dog up so he can enjoy the outdoors too
  25. Jump through and let your dog frolick through the snow
  26. Dress up yourself or your dog for an Instagram photoshoot
  27. Try to balance items on your dog’s head or nose for a reward (treat!)
  28. Make funny dog videos
  29. Play a good game of fetch
  30. Wrap up a gift for her in tissue paper and watch her open it
  31. Turn on the sprinkler and run through
  32. Plan a Halloween costume for your dog (try these DIY costumes ones)
  33. Record your dog doing something interesting. Then play it back to him to see if he recognizes himself. (Mine did)
  34. Introduce your dog to himself in the mirror (I make my dog wave at himself and laugh every time)
  35. Lift your dog into your arms to take him on a human-level sniff tour of the interesting scents around your home (obviously this will only work with small breeds… or maybe really strong people?)
  36. Give your dog a pawdicure (AKA clip his nails)
  37. Set out a few different treat options in a row and let your dog sniff each candidate to choose one (here’s Binky choosing a jelly bean)
  38. Go to a dog-friendly outdoor mall
  39. Practice downward dog with your dog or planking with puppies (and any other yoga poses)
  40. Make a paw print canvas painting with your canine
  41. Make an dog paw print ornament
  42. Take your dog on a boat ride
  43. Put on an audiobook for your dog
  44. Use your dog as an excuse to meet new people in the park or during a walk
  45. Order a dog DNA test to figure out your dog’s origins/breed
  46. Facetime with a person your dog loves (best if they recognize their voice or name)
  47. Get him a subscription box and see the surprise on his face every month when he opens it
  48. Go for a hike together
  49. Set up an indoor obstacle course for your pup
  50. Blow up a balloon for your dog to bounce (or play balloon volleyball with him)
  51. Invite your dog’s bff over for a playdate
  52. Foster another dog together
  53. Make DIY dog breath mints
  54. Jump with your dog on the bed (only if she likes it and is careful)
  55. Put on a children’s TV and see if your dog watches (the colorfulness and high pitch voices may entertain them more)
  56. Put on a show that includes dogs to see if your pup is entertained (Netflix has a few new dogumentaries)
  57. Plan a camping trip
  58. Plan an Easter egg hunt for your dog (hey, who says you have to wait until Easter)
  59. Go for a drive and let your dog smell the fresh air through the window
  60. Give your dog a deep massage instead of just the regular pet
  61. Freeze some pupsicles for your dog to enjoy on a hot day
  62. Make a blanket fort for your dog to play and nap in
  63. Wash your dog’s bowls (ok, not “fun” but it probably needs to be done)
  64. Watch an outdoor concert together
  65. Make a vintage dog bed using a thrift store suitcase and pillow
  66. Go snowshoeing
  67. Go to the park and have a picnic under the tree (be sure to bring lunch for your pup too!)
  68. Throw on some tunes and dance or run around with your dog
  69. Take him to the dog park
  70. Take him for a ride on public transit (not during peak hours)
  71. Find a coffee shop with outside seating (if they can’t be on a patio, tie them outside the patio)
  72. Search for dog cafes in your area (a café where dogs can enter and eat dog-friendly food)
  73. Play hockey on the ice by throwing the puck or a ball (be safe!)
  74. Rent a pet-friendly Airbnb and explore a new area
  75. Go to Starbucks and order a Puppuccino
  76. Go to an outdoor farmer’s market
  77. Attend a street festival together
  78. Make a personalized paw print pendant
  79. Make a photo keepsake of your dog featuring his first baby collar and perhaps a paw print too
  80. Go to a dog psychic
  81. Hide your dog’s toy and tell him to “go get your toy” and watch him search it out
  82. Create a flower paw print painting
  83. Volunteer with your dog as a therapeutic pet to visit senior homes, schools, hospitals, etc.
  84. Dehydrate some vegetables for dog chewies
  85. Play a simple game of frisbee
  86. Give your dog an ice cube and watch her chase it around the floor (on tile or hardwood)
  87. Get a soccer ball and kick it around in the park on your backyard
  88. Visit an outdoor garden in your city (make sure dogs are allowed first)
  89. Fill your dog’s Kong with something super tasty
  90. Make a snow maze for your dog
  91. Play this weird dog meditation for your pup
  92. Hide treats around your home or a specific room (while your dog isn’t looking) and see if she can sniff them out
  93. Learn about working with dog chakras
  94. Follow your dog’s lead and take a nap when he does—you deserve the rest too!
  95. Search for a dog cause on GoFundMe and donate a small or large amount to a cause in your dog’s name
  96. Practice mindfulness with your dog— Simply (or not so simply) be in the moment, paying attention to your senses and letting thoughts pass. Focus on the feel of your dog’s coat or the sound of them breathing.
  97. Ride a bike— If your pup is small, fit her inside the basket. If she’s big, ride with her side-by-side on-leash (this takes practice!)
  98. Play the sniff test— Put a treat in only one closed hand, but hold both out to your dog. Let her sniff it out to see if she can determine the treat-holding hand.
  99. Swimming— Take your pup to the nearest lake to doggy paddle. If you don’t live near a lake, find a children’s park with a sprinkler and let her run through.
  100. Play hide and seek— Tell your dog to sit and stay while you find a great hiding spot. Once you’ve found it, call her name and let the search begin.
  101. Start a new weekend tradition with your dog— Whether it’s Saturday morning cartoons or plain scrameled eggs for your pal every Sunday.


Things to Do with Your Dog Near Me

Whether you live in Toronto, Vancouver, L.A. or New York, there’s plenty of dog-friendly activities to take part in with your pet.

  1. Search “dog,” “dogs,” or “puppies” on com to find local events
  2. Go to a dog-friendly restaurant
  3. If your city doesn’t allow dog-friendly restaurants for health reasons, search for a restaurant or café with a patio. You can tie your dog up outside the patio toward the street if your dog isn’t allowed to be on the actual patio.
  4. Search “dog,” “dogs,” or “puppies” com for dog meet ups in your area
  5. Search for street festivals in your area and take your pup
  6. Watch a movie together at a drive-in movie theatre near you
  7. Find an outdoor garden and smell the roses with your dog
  8. Take your dog for a ride on city transit during off-peak times
  9. Learn some new skills at a local obedience class
  10. Catch up with some puppy pals at the dog park
  11. Find a Starbucks have your dog enjoy a Puppuccino
  12. See if there’s any dog cafés in your area
  13. Search for outdoor farmer’s markets in your city
  14. Go to the nearest pet store and have your dog pick out a gift for herself
  15. Find out what your dog’s thinking by seeing a dog psychic in your area
  16. Volunteer both you and your dog’s time as a therapeutic pet.
  17. Explore a new part of town so your dog can take in new scents
  18. Visit an outdoor mall and walk around with your dog or bring her inside dog-friendly stores
  19. Take a walk or go to the park and use it as an excuse to chat up new people or meet new friends


Fun Things to Do With Your Dog Inside at Home or on a Rainy Day

things to do with your dog, things to do with dog on rainy day

If it’s a rainy day, your dog may not be able to get all his energy out unless you do activities with him inside.

  1. Teach your pup some basic tricks
  2. … and then some harder tricks
  3. Spend the afternoon plotting your dog’s elaborate birthday (7 steps to the pawfect party here)
  4. Get creative by making a DIY dog crystal collar
  5. Create puzzle toy to keep your pup busy
  6. Make some DIY toys with the stuff already in your house. Check these 5 ideas or 6 more tutorials here
  7. Engage in a game of tug of war
  8. Set up for an Instagram photoshoot complete with costumes for either you or your dog
  9. Balance random things on your dog’s head or nose in exchange for a treat
  10. Hit record and see if you can capture a hilarious dog video
  11. Wrap up a new toy or even a treat in tissue paper and watch her open it
  12. If Halloween is close, start planning your pup’s costume (try these DIY costumes ones)
  13. Record your dog pretty much anything and make him watch it afterwards to see his reaction. (See my dog’s reaction here)
  14. Get a good laugh by making your dog wave to himself in the mirror
  15. If you have a small dog, pick her up and take her around the home to smell new things at human-level view
  16. Let your dog pick her treat by lining up a few and having her sniff for the best one (see which jelly bean Binky chooses!)
  17. Try some yoga poses or planking with puppies
  18. Create a paw print canvas painting
  19. Make an DIY dog paw print ornament
  20. Find an audiobook that your dog would love to listen to (dogs may like kid’s books because of voice fluctuations, calming voices may also be good to try
  21. Skype with a friend or family member who your dog probably misses. Even a phone call is good if your dog recognizes voices.
  22. Buy some obstacle course equipment on Amazon Prime to have it delivered same-day. Then, set it up for your up inside.
  23. Play balloon volleyball
  24. Who’s your dog’s favorite human (besides you)? Invite them over to visit your pup!
  25. Stinky dog breath? Make some easy breath fresheners
  26. Act like a kid and jump on the bed with your pup (if she enjoys it)
  27. See if your dog enjoys children’s shows
  28. Show your pup a movie featuring dogs or a dogumentary
  29. Go for a drive so your pup can see new sights
  30. Give your pup a massage around areas of loose skin (such as around the neck)
  31. Freeze some pupsicles to enjoy on a nicer day (but let’s be honest, your dog will eat it any day)
  32. Get some chairs and blankets and assemble a little fort for your pal
  33. Get your groove on by playing music and dancing around the home with your dog
  34. Dog cafes are becoming more popular. Google if there’s any in your area.
  35. Make a paw print necklace
  36. Do you still have your dog’s first collar or perhaps a baby tooth? DIY a photo keepsake.
  37. Visit a dog psychic in person or phone one up
  38. Put your pup’s toy in a special place and say “go get your toy.” Watch him sniff and search.
  39. Take your paw print painting up a notch with this flower paw design
  40. Dehydrate some vegetables in a dehydrator or in the oven for healthy canine treats
  41. Slide an ice cube across the floor and allow your pup to play with it
  42. Keep him busy by putting something new and delicious in his kong
  43. See if your dog follows this really strange dog meditation
  44. Play treat scavenger hunt by hiding them around your home and having your dog put his senses to the test
  45. Read about dog chakras and how working with them may benefit your dog
  46. Your dog probably loves rainy day naps, so take a short snooze with her!
  47. Search GoFundMe for dog causes and donate even a small amount in your pup’s name
  48. Play hide and seek by telling your dog to stay, hiding, and calling his name.


Things to Do With Your dog in Winter

things to do with dog in winter

Whether you’re looking to enjoy the fluffy white stuff or avoid it altogether, here are some things to do with your dog in winter

  1. Amp up your dogs game by teaching her some complex tricks
  2. Spend the night at a dog-friendly hotel (or plan for a mini-vacation!)
  3. Make your pup a crystal collar and give it to him for Christmas or the holidays
  4. Work his brain with a toy that acts as a puzzle
  5. Pockets a little lighter this season? Instead of buying a toy, make 5 toys (here’s 6 more)
  6. Partake in a good ol’ game of tug of war
  7. Put on the fireplace, get a large blankey and simply cuddle
  8. Make some delicious at-home dog treats
  9. Try making some gourmet dog food for a change
  10. Sign up for an indoor obedience class
  11. Let your dog pick out something at the pet store
  12. Take your dog out for a drive or walk tour to see Christmas lights
  13. Check out outdoor holiday festivals or markets
  14. Do your holiday shopping at an outdoor mall where your dog can tag along
  15. Get some obstacle supplies and set them up indoors or outdoors if it’s not too cold
  16. Let your pup hop through the freshly fallen snow
  17. Dress up in matching Christmas pajamas and have a little holiday photoshoot
  18. Wrap up an early gift in tissue paper and watch you pup sniff and tear it open
  19. Record your dog and play the video back to see his reaction
  20. Throw snowballs for your dog to catch in her mouth
  21. Burn some energy by making and having your dog run through a snow maze
  22. Wanna play another reaction game? Make him wave at himself in the mirror
  23. If your dog is liftable, take her on a “sniff tour,” taking pitstops when her sniffer goes off
  24. Release the holiday stresses with some yoga, accompanied by your pup
  25. Check out some dog subscription boxes as a Christmas gift
  26. Create an easy salt dough pup print ornament
  27. Watch some Christmas movies featuring dogs together
  28. Have a video chat with your dog’s favorite person (or another dog)
  29. Keep your dog inside while your hide a treat in the snow. Then, bring your pup out to sniff for the goods.
  30. Make a warm fort out of blankets
  31. Go snowshoeing
  32. Put on some holiday tunes (or any music) and hop around with your pup
  33. Throw a puck or ball on ice to play dog hockey (make sure your dog is safe)


Free Things to Do With Your Dog

free things to do with your dog

If your wallet is feeling a little lighter, there are still some fun things you can do with your dog without spending.

  1. See if com has free meet ups in your area (many are free or low cost)
  2. YouTube how to teach your dog the standard tricks
  3. When that’s done, YouTube some more challenging tricks
  4. Visit a new park
  5. Go for a side-by-side jog
  6. Make toys with stuff you probably already have in your home using the 5 ideas or 6 more how-tos here
  7. Cuddling is always free!
  8. See what your dog does when he sees himself in the mirror
  9. Make some dog treats
  10. Try the hilarious dog blanket challenge
  11. Tie your dog under a shaded tree while you read a book beside him
  12. Do an Instagram photoshoot from home
  13. Balance items on your dog’s head or nose. Of course, he serves a treat after.
  14. Make a funny dog video
  15. Get some fresh air while playing fetch
  16. Bring your dog to human-level (if he’s small) and let her sniff around
  17. Run through a home or city sprinkler
  18. Throw together a blanket fort
  19. Meet some new dogs at the nearest dog park
  20. Record your dog and play it back to him to see his reaction.
  21. Set out a few different treats in a row and let yoru dog sniff each one to choose the best
  22. If you already have paint, make an easy paw print painting
  23. Meet new people in the park or on a walk with your dog
  24. Facetime with someone your pup loves
  25. Play dog hide and seek.
  26. Take an afternoon snooze together
  27. Create a treat scavenger hunt by hiding them around the home
  28. Go for a hike
  29. Play frisbee
  30. Throw a balloon around and watch your dog chase it
  31. Bring a picnic to the park (pack something for your canine, too!)
  32. Invite a dog bff over for a playdate
  33. Kick a ball around in the backyard or park
  34. Dance around with your dog to some music
  35. Put on a dog movie or show and watch it together
  36. Give your pup a deep massage
  37. Volunteer together as a therapeutic dog. They visit hospital, senior homes, etc.


Social Things to Do With Your Dog

social things to do with your dog

If it’s just you and your dog, you both may be craving a little more social interaction. In fact, studies show that dogs can help their owners develop human relationships and social supports.

  1. See if there’s any dog events in your area on com
  2. Are dog lovers hanging out near you? Search com to check
  3. Host a puppy party and invite all the dogs you know
  4. Watch something at a drive-in movie theatre with your dog
  5. Meet some other dogs and owners at an obedience class
  6. Have your dog come with you when shopping at an outdoor mall
  7. Take a walk or go to the park and use your dog as a reason to meet new people
  8. Video chat someone who your dog will recognize
  9. Invite your dog’s human or pup bffs over to hang out
  10. Go camping (but make sure the site is dog-friendly)
  11. Check out an outdoor concert (make sure dogs are allowed)
  12. Pack lunch and go to the park for a picnic together
  13. Meet new pups at the dog park
  14. Let your dog sniff the new (and sometimes disgusting) scents of public transit during an off-peak hours ride
  15. Enjoy a coffee together at a coffee shop with outdoor seating (or tie your dog up outside of the patio if they’re not allowed directly on it)
  16. If there’s a dog café near you, go to it
  17. Order a puppuccino at Starbucks
  18. Visit outdoor farmer’s market
  19. Walk through a street festival together
  20. Volunteer your canine as a therapeutic dog


Helping you connect with your canine. We offer pup parents health tips, recipes, activity ideas, DIYs and more.


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