Author: YoCanine

Helping you connect with your canine. We offer pup parents health tips, recipes, activity ideas, DIYs and more.

Buying a dog can be a risk: Are you supporting a knowledgeable breeder, or are you supporting an abusive puppy mill? Many times people choose to purchase dogs online on websites such as Craigslist. Here you can find the puppies for cheap, so it looks like a great deal. And the puppy you bring home might be great, too. But without knowing it, you could be supporting the breeding of puppies by abusive owners. What are Puppy Mills? Puppy mills are a place where puppies are overbred in inhumane conditions. To breeders, profit is more important than dogs and…

Read More He’s not just cute, he’s smart and a saviour. In the video above, a man goes into a lake and holds his breath underwater for an extended period of time. Noticing this, his dog not only jumps in, but pulls him out with his owner’s hand in the dog’s mouth. We think this is a brilliant thing to train your dog. It could save lives.

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The number one thing to do with your dog is to take walks or take him to the park; he loves it! But what do you do on rainy days? Your pooch will get bored sitting inside all day, but you don’t want to let him out. Cleaning up muddy paw prints and your dog shaking off the rain or rubbing against the sofa to dry himself isn’t exactly ideal. Here are some ideas to excite your pup on a rainy day: Treat-Dispensing Toys The good ol’ Kong always comes in handy when your dog is bored and needs…

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“A lovely lady came into our store today and stood near our adoptable kitten Mama.  When I asked how I could help, she said she was just looking and then proceeded to tell me of the heartache she is going through. She was able to grab her family and her dogs but was forced to leave her cats. She is very worried about their wellbeing and unsure if they are OK. I told her that she was welcome to hold Mama. With tears rolling down her cheeks she gave her a good snuggle and I let her know she is…

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Over half of people internationally have at least one pet, according to a recent study conducted by GfK. WHICH COUNTRIES HAVE THE MOST PETS? 11111????Owning a pet is most popular in Argentina and Mexico, with 80% owning at least one 11111????70% of Americans own a pet 11111????People living in Asian countries were the least likely to have a pet. In South Korea, only 31% had a pet companion. 11111????That percentage rose to 35% in Hong Kong and 36% in Japan. “Although the Asian countries come lower in this list, these countries comprise a significant and growing share of the…

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Every now and then we love to feature YOUR dogs on our blog. Dogs are special and they need a little recognition and praise. This week we’re featuring three of the cutest doggies sent in by our readers. Want your cute dog photos featured? Tweet, message or email us. Make sure to share a few details about what makes your dog cool! Buster Cathy sent in a picture of her animal companion Buster. He looks very worn out and is taking a nice long nap (probably to recover from his intense day at the dog park!). The animal lover also has 5 other…

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Summertime is approaching; some would say it’s already here! While you’re getting ready to take your pup out on a fun adventure to the park, you should consider the risks and safety precautions you should take. Nationwide, a company who provides pet insurance, released the most common pet injuries that occur in parks. Last year, members spent over $10 million on medical conditions associated with park time play. Here are the most common injuries and the costs associated with them: The most common injury, soft tissue injuries or sprains, affected about 24,000 insured dogs last year. Head trauma from…

Read More It’s almost summer and this dog is enjoying the fresh fruits that come with it! The French Bulldog is so tiny that his entire body can fit inside of a watermelon! Imagine being able to live inside your house while eating it! It’s a dog’s dream come true! After awhile of munching away, the dog has a bit of a problem: He hasn’t quite eaten to watermelon evenly and he loses balance. Soon the watermelon tips over and the dog slides onto the floor. We say it’s a great new way to feed your dog! 🙂

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