Dog Tips Health

The Cheapest Dog Breed To Insure — You Won’t Believe It!

dog insurance cost


Ever wonder how much your dog would cost to insure?

If you didn’t know, the cost of dog insurance is dependent on multiple factors: Your dog’s age, pre-existing conditions and breed.

Since certain breeds are genetically pre-disposed to specific health conditions, your insurance quote highly depends on this factor.

Luckily, documented pet insurance prices based on the most popular breeds in Australia. To compare the breeds, they chose a one-year Ultimate Life Cover policy. The dogs, across all breeds, were compared based on being 5 years old and living in Victoria, Australia.

Interestingly, just based on breed, the insurance coverage can increase or decrease by $2,000. The most expensive breed to insure was $1,000 a year, whereas the most expensive was $3,000 a year.


Most Expensive Dog Breeds to Insure

The top three most expensive dog breeds to get a one-year insurance plan for include the following:

  • Newfoundland at $3, 043.83 AUS
  • Shar-Pei at $3, 043.83 AUS
  • Great Dane $2, 424.61 AUS


Least Expensive Dog Breeds to Insure

The top three least expensive dog breeds to get a one-year insurance plan for include the following:

  • Cardigan Corgi at $926.24 AUS
  • Jack Russell Terrier $990.98 AUS
  • Australian Terrier $990.98 AUS

For the full list of breeds and their insurance cost, click here.



Tips on Lowering Dog Insurance


Insure Early

All of the prices above are based on if you were to insure the breeds at 5-years-old. However, if you insured these breeds as puppies, the price would drop significantly. Many people wait until their dog has medical problems before they decide to shop around for insurance options. They are afraid that since their dog is currently healthy, they will be wasting money. In reality, you could save money in the long-run.

Insuring your dog before he or she has any issues will benefit you in multiple ways. Firstly, the younger the dog, the lower the price, in general. In addition, a puppy is less likely to have pre-existing conditions than a full-grown dog. This will also lower your yearly insurance.



Do not go with the first insurance company you find on Google or the first company your friend recommends. Using comparison charts is a very effective way to find the insurance plan that’s right for you and your dog. You’re not only searching for the lowest price, but you should also be looking at what is included in each insurance plan and what you and your dog are likely to use. Are reduced costs offered for vaccines and routine procedures and exams? Can you go to any veterinarian? Does it cover costly therapies? What about dental care? Is accidental death covered? Are there premium coverage options, such as boarding fees, if your pet is hospitalized?

If you’ve never bought pet insurance before, it can be confusing. Do not be afraid to call different companies and ask questions.


When Do Puppies’ Eyes Open?

when do puppies eyes open

When Do Puppies’ Eyes Open?

If you’re raising a litter of puppies, you may be wondering, “when do puppies’ eyes open?”

Surprisingly, puppies are born with their eyes closed and they remained closed for at least the first week after birth.

During this time, they do not require a lot of human attention; their mother will provide care. For the most part, you should leave the mother and puppies alone during at this time. Consider this: Puppies are totally helpless in the first weeks. They can’t walk, see, hear and don’t even have teeth to eat by themselves. Leaving them in the comfort of their mother is the best thing for them in the first few weeks.

Even after they are born, the eyes are still taking form. The reason their eyes stay shut for so long, compared to human babies, is because the eyelids protect this development from any debris or light.

Somewhere between the first and second week, the puppy’s eyes will open. Do not try to force his or her eyes open. When you check their eyes, you may see a little tearing and that their eyes are open just ever so slightly. How quick a puppy’s eyes open depends on their breed; some breeds develop quicker and others take a little longer, and that’s normal. In addition, puppies in the same litter will open their eyes at different rates. Just like human babies develop quicker than others, so do dogs.

If a puppy’s eyes do not open after 14 days, you should consult your vet. This could be due to an infection, in which case, you may see fluid leaking from his or her eye. If this occurs, you should take him or her to a vet immediately. If you notice swelling under the eyelid, you should also seek medical attention. Some puppies may still be healthy, but will take up to 16 or 18 days for their eyes to develop enough to open.

puppies, when do puppies eyes open

After their eyes finally open, they will start to grow more rapidly and should be attempting to stand. The opening of a puppy’s eyes signals the beginning of significant growth in which more human attention will be required. At this time, you can begin introducing soft food.

Even when their eyes are fully open, puppies’ vision will be blurry and will improve as they mature. At this point, he or she may be responding mainly through hearing or scent, as opposed to vision.

So, when do puppies’ eyes open fully without blurry vision? Around the fourth or fifth week, the puppies’ eyesight will be almost fully developed. Remember that puppies are babies and their development can’t be rushed or forced. If you have any concerns, contact your vet.


Cute Videos of Puppies’ Eyes Opening

When do puppies open their eyes? In the view below, this pup opens them at just 12 days old. So adorable.

Starter Kit for Your Puppy

Before your puppies’ eyes open, you should all the supplies necessary to care for a developed dog. Here are a few start kit ideas:


when do puppies open their eyes


Why It Is Vital To Have A Feeding Schedule In Your Dog’s Diet?

feed dogs food

What is in your dog’s diet is incredibly important. The overall health of your dog is dependent on them being fed the best dog food. Are you aware that your dog should be following a feeding schedule?

The time that your dog eats is just as important as what they are eating. Just as humans do, your dog’s needs to eat on a regular schedule. Meals and snacks that are nutritious should be well monitored as part of your dog’s diet. Being able to space out their mealtimes as well as snacks on a well-timed feeding schedule is a great idea.

Now depending on the age of your dog and their health, you are going to need to come up with a feeding schedule that will be supportive of their nutritional needs. You will find that older dogs may only require one mealtime however they may enjoy their mealtimes being split up during the day. You will also find that if you have a senior dog they will rarely vary from their schedule though their needs could end up changing over time.

If you have a puppy you are going to see that they are going to require more feedings during the day. If your puppy is still nursing it should be able to nurse on demand. When you begin to alter their diet from milk to regular dog food you are going to need to offer meals four to five times per day. As soon as your puppy has been acclimated to its new diet you can then reduce the amount of time that you feed them to around three times per day.

When you are feeding your dog, you should offer them their meal at regular times in the day. The specific time for your dog to eat will all depend on your specific schedule. You should avoid any dramatic deviations in your dog’s feeding schedule. You want to stick to a regular feeding schedule for presenting your dog with their food. You should not be at all surprised if your dog begins to be a little excitable a short time before they get fed as their meal is quite important to them.

You also need to keep into account the treats that you feed your dog each day as they will quickly become part of their daily activities. If they get a treat in the morning every day they will begin to anticipate its arrival.

Making certain to establish a feeding schedule is essential to keeping your dog’s diet on the right track. It will be simpler than you think to get into a schedule. A regular feeding schedule will also help you to begin to anticipate when they will need to go outside to use the bathroom. When you are housebreaking a dog, you will want to be able to have an idea of when they need to go outside. If you are setting up a regular feeding schedule you will find that it will make it simpler to be able to do this. It will also assist you in eliminating stress in your dog’s life as they will be used to a regular schedule.

So when you think about what you feed your dog food you need to not only be mindful of what you feed them but when you feed them as well. Your dog will appreciate their feedings on a regular schedule.

Dog Tips Health

Dog First Aid Kit: The Essentials

dog first aid kit

As a dog owner, you may find yourself needing to give your dog first aid. Dogs are curious creatures and sometimes get into dangerous situations. When they get into trouble, it will be your job to help. Many of the problems a dog faces are like those of our own. Until you can get your dog to a vet, he will depend on you to care for him or her.

Rolls of gauze and tape are handy to slow or stop bleeding. You can also find some great blood-clotting topical products too. Hydrogen peroxide is important for cleaning wounds. An old clean blanket is essential for wrapping a dog in shock. A first aid kit should also include an antihistamine for bee or wasp stings, an antibiotic gel and an eye wash. Also, absorbent cotton, gauze rolls or pads, scissors (preferably with rounded tips), tweezers, a rectal thermometer; syringes (without the needle) for giving oral medications and elastic bandages.

Take time to learn the basics of first aid. Keep your vet’s phone number handy in case you need him. If you think your dog may need professional care in the middle of the night or on a weekend, consider calling your vet and asking him for advice. He may have some good advice or instructions on how to care for your sick/injured pet. Many cities now have pet emergency centers.  It is advisable to keep their number in your first aid kit as well.

Keep in mind that an injured dog is scared and may bite.  If you feel this may be an issue, add a muzzle to your kit, too. Avoid giving your dog Tylenol unless directed by your veterinarian.

Dog Tips Health

How to Cut A Dog’s Nails (Without Hurting Him!)


How to Cut A Dog's Nails

Cutting your dog’s nails is stressful—for both him and you! You know you have to do it, but you’re so afraid of hurting your baby that you may tend to put it off. We’re going to banish that fear once and for all by teaching you how to cut a dog’s nails.

Step #1: Play with His Feet

If your dog is full grown, this step may not work and may not be possible. However, if your dog is a puppy, we strongly suggest that you play with his paws. One of the hardest challenges with cutting his nails is that he hates his feet being touched—it freaks him out! But if you’ve played with his paws ever since he was a puppy, that action will become normal and hopefully nothing for him to be weirded out by.

While he’s laying down, instead of petting him, gently massage each of his paws. If he doesn’t like his paws being massaged, start of by simply holding his paws with a little pressure, then gradually build up to massasing him.

Here’s a great video guide on how to do this:

Step #2: Get Supplies Ready

Before you sit down to clip your dogs nails, ensure you have all the necessary supplies ready and out.

You’ll need:
Nail Clippers- There’s a few different types of nail clippers you can purchase and many brands to choose from. If you’re purchasing them in a pet store, ask the sales associate the differences and what he or she would recommended for your dog’s breed. If you’re purchasing them online, be sure to check reviews. Remember: You’re going to want quality clippers for the easiest cut possible.
Clotting Powder– If you cut the nail too short (easy to do) then your dog’s nail will start bleeding. To stop it from bleeding, you’ll need to use some sort of clotting powder. You can purchase styptic powder or even cornstarch will work.
Treats or a Bone– If you choose to distract your dog with something yummy, make sure you have it on hand first.
Nail File- After cutting, his nails will likely have ridged edges.

Step #3: Catch Him When He’s Sleepy

If you can tell your dog is hyper, excited and wants to play, it’s not the right time to clip his nails. It will make it even harder. Instead, catch him when he’s tired. This could be after he eats, after a long walk or play session, or just around the time when he usually sleeps.
Step #4: Identify the Quick

When you choose the first nail to cut, you must identify where the quick is. The quick is basically a tube inside your dog’s nail that contains blood and a nerve. Since he will start bleeding if you cut the quick, you will want to cut the nail BEFORE the quick starts.

If your dog’s nail is white, you will probably see a pink part. That is the quick. If your dog’s nails are darker, it will be a bit more difficult. In this case, some experts suggest that you put the clippers onto the pad of your dog’s paw and angle it 30 to 45 degrees and clip. To see a demonstration of this, watch the video below.

Step #5: Cut the Nail

You may choose to have someone hold your dog if he’s too excited. If not, firmly grasp his paw and use the clippers to cut before the quick. If you’re afraid of cutting the quick, you may choose to only clip a little bit at a time.

Continue with each nail.

Step #6: Use Clotting Powder (if necessary)

How to Cut A Dog's Nails

If you accidently cut the quick, compress the wound with a towel of some sort. Next, pour some clotting powder into the palm of your hand and dip your dog’s nail into it. Some people also run the nail through a bar of soap to stop clotting. This should stop the bleeding. If bleeding does not stop, consult a vet.

Step #7: File Nail

Use a nail file to smooth down your dog’s nails. File until there are no ridged edges.

Step #8: Praise and Reward

How to Cut A Dog's Nails

Having her nails cut is stressful for her, too! Be sure to reward her after you’re finished. Tell her how good she was and give her a treat or special bone. This will make her more likely to calm down next time.

Comment your tips for cutting dog’s nails! Help others!


Christmas Dog News Dog Tips Health

Dog Safety: Tips for the Holidays & Christmas

dog safety

The holidays are full of family, fun and festivities – but can also be a source of potential hazards for our cats and dogs. From increased stress levels to particularly harmful foods, the season’s activities can be a lot for pets to handle. Royal Canin is encouraging pet owners to take precautions to ensure all pets remain safe and healthy.

According to a recent Nationwide Pet Insurance report, upset stomach and diarrhea rank among the top 10 reasons owners take their pets to the vet, and pets are at risk to factors that increase gastrointestinal issues around the holiday season.

“Gastrointestinal issues such as vomiting and diarrhea are common in cats and dogs year-round, but can be especially common during the holiday season,” said Dr. Catherine Lenox, a veterinary nutritionist and Royal Canin Scientific Affairs Manager.

“When there is additional stress such as house guests or boarding, as well as more food around the house – including foods that humans can eat but that are toxic to pets – there is an increased risk of gastrointestinal disturbances in our pets.”

In order to avoid gastrointestinal problems during the holidays, pet owners should be sure to prevent easy access to hazardous foods, decrease stressful situations for their pets, and if necessary, talk to their veterinarian about precise nutrition options for their pets’ digestive issues.

Gastrointestinal issues – If your pet’s routine is disrupted during the holidays, you may notice irregular digestive clinical signs, but they could actually be signs of an infection, or a more serious condition. If your pet experiences any signs or vomiting and diarrhea, you should contact your veterinarian immediately to determine the best course of action. Signs of gastrointestinal issues include: vomiting, regurgitation, diarrhea and decreased appetite.

There are often simple solutions for many gastrointestinal cases. There’s a Royal Canin line of veterinary-exclusive GASTROINTESTINAL™ formulas.

Toxic foods – It’s no secret there are more treats around the house during the holidays, many of which can be especially harmful to pets. Guests may not realize that your dog or cat isn’t allowed to eat table scraps, or that they should keep all food and leftovers out of reach. A change in diet can cause an upset stomach, especially if introduced rapidly. Holiday foods that are particularly hazardous to pets include: chocolate, especially dark chocolate, unbaked bread dough, macadamia nuts, turkey, alcohol, sugar-free candy and baked goods that include artificial sweeteners. Holiday décor, such as tinsel, poinsettias, or pine needles, as well as drinking water from the tree stand can also be potentially dangerous for curious pets.

Increased stress – The holidays aren’t just stressful times for humans, but pets, too! Pets are exposed to potentially overwhelming situations, such as boarding at a kennel, traveling, or being introduced to several new guests, which cause irregularity in routine and can lead to digestive issues. Any deviation from a pet’s normal behavior can be an indication of stress, such as: poor appetite, decreased interaction with their owners and gastrointestinal disturbances such as vomiting and/or diarrhea. Owners can minimize pets’ stress by providing a stable living environment and avoiding unpleasant interactions and experiences.

Prior to the holidays, pet owners should consider ways to avoid potentially hazardous situations as noted by the National Pet Insurance report. Contact your veterinarian if you pet is showing any signs of discomfort or symptoms of digestive issues.

More Dog Safety Christmas Tips

dog safety

Healthy Paws Pet Insurance examined claims from November 2015 to January 2016 to find out how pet parents can help keep pets safe during the holiday hustle and bustle.

Stomach-related conditions were most likely to send pets to the vet during the 2015 holiday season. Healthy Paws processed 5,100 stomach related claims for the 2015 holiday season, reimbursing an average of $703 per incident for foreign body removal, the accidental swallowing of an object not meant to be consumed.

Bottom line: watch out for pine needles, tinsel, ornaments, and ribbon, as these goodies are just asking to be eaten! Even holiday plants like poinsettias, holly, and mistletoe are poisonous to cats and dogs, so keep them on shelves or opt for faux plants.

More commonly, dogs and cats are surrounded by tempting-but-toxic treats, such as chocolate, fruitcake, alcohol, and raisins. Avoid an emergency vet visit by supervising pets and keeping human food out of their reach. Try to keep pets out of the kitchen, where most of the holiday food prep happens.

Puppy Proofing Dog Safety Tips:

  • When leaving pets home alone, restrict their roaming to a space free from decor or presents.
  • A falling Christmas tree can seriously injure your cat or dog, so if you have a mischief-maker or tree-climber, stabilize the tree with additional hardware.
  • Exercise caution with candles. A curious pet could end up with severe burns, or even knock the candle over with a wag of the tail and start a fire. Keep candles up on a shelf or only lit while you’re in the room.
  • While the holidays can be stressful for you, additional guests can stress your pet out too. Make sure visitors are aware that you take your pet’s safety seriously. No sneaking snacks at the Christmas party, absolutely no sharing alcohol, and, should you have overnight guests, lock up their medications and personal products.

The most wonderful time of the year is also the most cluttered with safety dangers for curious pets.

Dog Tips Health

Can You Afford Not to Have Pet Insurance?

Pet Insurance annual limits

Pet insurance plans can be riddled with exclusions and limitations. Since each company is different, it’s wise to learn about these potential deal breakers before enrolling your dog in coverage.

What are Annual Limits and how do they work?

Annual Limits provide a maximum dollar amount that each provider is willing to pay per year. Unlike health insurance for people, insurance for dogs does not cover pre-existing conditions and the conditions that are covered may be subject to plan limits and exclusions.

Understanding the ins and outs of pet insurance can be difficult, time consuming and confusing. To make your research easy, we compiled a list of the 2016 Updated Annual Limits for the Top 5 Pet Insurance Providers (as reported by Pet Insurance U):


#1 Healthy Paws Pet Insurance

Annual Limits and Coverage: This policy covers reimbursement of the cost incurred by the consumer for necessary, medial, veterinary treatment. This is strongly recommended by the veterinarian for conditions covered by this policy. These costs will be covered by your medical provider when your pet develops becomes sick, or has an injury as a result of an accident; during the coverage term.


#2 Petplan Pet Insurance

Annual Limits and Coverage: This policy covers the base standards: accidents, injuries, illnesses, veterinary exam fees, MRI, cat scan, ultrasound, diagnostic treatments, prescription medications, cancer treatments, dental treatments (non-routine), surgery rehabilitation and alternative therapies. It also covers hereditary conditions, chronic conditions

The company reimburses consumers the costs of the non-routine veterinary exam fees for injuries and sickness. Without this coverage, you will pay the cost which ranges from $25-$100 every time you walk in the door of the veterinarian.


#3 Embrace Pet Insurance

Annual Limits and Coverage: This policy covers breed-specific conditions, cancer treatment, diagnostic testing and imaging (e.g. X-ray, ultrasound, MRI), prosthetic limbs and devices including mobility aids, surgery, hospitalization, and nursing care, alternative therapies and rehabilitation, ER & specialist care, prescription drugs and behavioral therapy. Coverage is set for life and will not change based on age. Every pet has the same coverage. Each pet has an annual maximum limit for reimbursement that can be set at multiple levels.


#4 Nationwide Pet Insurance

Annual Limits and Coverage: This policy offers full and partial coverage depending on the plan you choose, with full reimbursement to none depending on the plan. From Cancer, ACL tears, Hip Dysplasia and Annual Wellness


#5 PetFirst Pet Insurance

Annual Limits and Coverage: This policy includes accidents, illness, hospitalization, surgery, hereditary conditions, congenital, chronic, diagnostic test, exam fees, x-rays, ultrasounds, medications, holistic care, cancer, hip dysplasia, emergency care. Great medical coverage with no per-incident, or annual lifetime limits.


#6 Pets Best Pet Insurance

Annual Limits and Coverage: This policy covers comprehensive coverage that pays on your actual veterinary bill for unexpected incidents like emergencies and genetic conditions. It has multiple levels of coverage, while covering most accidents and illnesses such as: exam fees, prescription medicines, acupuncture and chiropractic visits.

Remember coverage and Annual Limits are key in choosing the company and plan that is right for you.



Five Intelligent Reasons Why Purchasing Pet Insurance Benefits

Pet Insurance

By understanding the concepts of Annual Limits this will put you the consumer at an ease that benefits you. This gives you the peace of mind by knowing you are saving money in the bank and your pet’s life.


  1. Veterinarian choices

Pet insurance allows the consumer to pick their own veterinarian personally. Unlike health insurance policies for people that give you a specific health care provider, pet insurance policies allow you to have complete control having the power to pick the veterinarian of your choosing. The consumer is responsible for providing the veterinary invoice to the insurance company for reimbursement and what qualified expenses can be covered.


  1. No discrimination

Pet insurance does not discriminate on age, breed, or sex of pet. Though it is strongly recommended to obtain pet insurance as soon as you adopt, or purchase your pet to obtain lower premiums, it is also possible to insure the pet years later if funds are not available.


  1. Gives consumer peace of mind

Having this specific type of insurance allows consumers to choose treatments for their ailing or injured pet based on the best available medical option and not restricted based on family finances or career income. Most pet insurance policies will reimburse up to 80% of costs after deductibles are paid.


  1. Easy way to budget pet care costs

Companies are willing to work within the consumer’s budget and there are options. Pet insurance policies can be paid monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually. It is the consumer’s decisions as to which payment plan works best for you. Most plans offer discounts for additional pets in the household.


  1. Prevents dipping into emergency fund

Now it is true, consumers are allowed to set up a pet savings account, but it can be difficult to discipline them-selves from dipping into this designated account when you face unexpected life emergencies like: pricey car repairs, household renovations or health scares that come up.



You have options and solutions, what are you waiting for?  There is no excuse for being stingy, there are enough plans and companies out there fit your budget. With online options and access it is changing how consumers shop for pet insurance also.

I would highly suggest that you continue to research and learn through this process. For more information contact a local insurance agent to see what your potential options are and ask about their policy Annual Limits. As always this isn’t just about you but your furry companions.

Dog Tips Health

Pure Balance Dog Food Review: High-Quality Ingredients at Affordable Price + Manufacturer


Pure Balance Dog Food

Every owner struggles to find a dog food that is both affordable and healthy.

After reviewing Pure Balance Dog food, we think we’ve come up with a pretty good option.

Since their recipes are grain free, it’s usually a great option for dogs with sensitive stomachs. Health-fanatics who want their dogs to follow in their footsteps and go gluten-free will be pleasantly surprised.

In this post we cover all the details you want to know about Pure Balance dog food:

  • Types
  • Ingredients
  • Nutritional value
  • Manufacturer/who to contact for questions and concerns
  • Review of what other dog owners are saying
  • How to switch your dog’s food

Wanna learn more? Keep reading.

Types of Pure Balance Dog Food

Pure Balance Dog Food has a couple of different flavors:



The “Pure Balance Promise” states that they “believe in one pure and simple thought – the best nutrition for your dog starts with the best ingredients.”

We decided to look at the ingredients to put that idea to the test.

Just by looking at the ingredient deck, you can tell this is a healthier than average dog food. For example, on one ingredient’s list, you will find brown rice, pea protein, chicken meal and flaxseed. The first ingredient on many recipes – which means it’s the most used — is a type of meat, like chicken or salmon.

pure balance dog food

There are only a few ingredients on the list that provide little or no nutritional value.

Pure Balance says none of their dog food recipes contain corn, wheat or soy. This could make it a good option if your pup has a sensitive stomach or if grain makes him a little itchy. If you need grain-free dog food on a budget, Pure Balance is a solid option.

The brand touts real meat and antioxidants that contribute to a healthy immune system. There are also added vitamins and minerals.

The downside is that many of Pure Balance’s foods may have too many carbs for some owner’s liking.

While it’s not healthier than making your own specialized dog food at home, it gives you the most bang for your buck. It’s one of the healthier dog food options out there and it’s also one of the cheapest.

pure balance dog food

It depends on the flavor, but on Amazon you can get a 7lb bag for less than $10. Other options go up to $20 for a 4lb bag.

Another bonus? There hasn’t been any recalls for Pure Balance Dog Food. Overall, it has pretty good consumer reviews on other sites as well.

For dog owners who are also cat owners, there’s also Pure Balance cat food.

pure balance dog food review

Who Manufactures Pure Balance Dog Food?

There’s many questions concerning who manufactures Pure Balance dog food, so we reached out to both Wal-Mart and The J.M. Smucker Company. Here’s what we found out.

Some Pure Balance products are manufactured by Ainsworth Pet Nutrition LLC on behalf Wal-Mart, who private labelled the dog food. Ainsworth was sold to J.M. Smucker in 2018, but still remains the manufacturer of some, but not all, Pure Balance products.

If you have concerns or questions about any Pure Balance food, you should call the number printed on the package, which is Wal-Mart’s Customer Service Department.  That phone number is 1-877-307-2192. You can also visit to submit an email under the customer service tab.

Last year, Wal-Mart made a promotional video about Pure Balance:


Switching to Pure Balance Dog Food

It should be noted that every dog reacts differently to certain foods. When trying out a new food, we recommend buying a small bag to test it out first. Start off by mixing a little bit of the new food into the old food. Gradually increase that amount to slowly wean your dog off the old food. Be sure to keep an eye on your dog to see how he reacts. According to Pure Balance dog food reviews, dogs who try Pure Balance dog food grow a better coat and have better digestion.

However, every dog reacts differently. Adverse reactions could include constipation or pure balance dog food, although this can also be the effect of your dog adjusting to new food. If your dog doesn’t adjust to Pure Balance or any other dog food, you should consider switching.

If you’re interested in trying out Pure Balance Dog Food, you can purchase it on Amazon.


pure balance dog food

Pure Balance Dog Food Reviews: Real Owners

If you’re asking yourself, “Is Pure Balance a good dog food?” reading Pure Blance dog food reviews is a good place to start. You can view the reviews on each site individually, but here’s an overview for your convenience.

Many reviews on Influenster, a product review website, report that Pure Balance has improved their dog’s coats, skin, digestion and more. The reviews are specifically for the Lamb and Brown Rice formula.

  • “This is the ONLY grocery store brand I will ever buy for my dogs. it’s actually better for your dog than Blue Buffalo or Royal Canin,” one reviewer wrote.
  • “I switched her over to this dog food because she was always throwing up and had an upset stomach about twice a week. I got it because it said it was for sensitive stomachs. Now my dog never has any stomach issues and she loves meal time now,” another reviewer said.
  • “Her coat has been looking healthier as well. It doesn’t have a bad smell on her breath either hahaha. Good value for the money.”
  • “I changed my dogs food at least 20 times because he just didn’t seem to enjoy it. He loves the chicken and rice blend he will even do tricks for it.”
  • “It’s healthy for our handsome boy and it gets along with his sensitive tummy. Also his coat is more shiny than it ever was when we first got him over a year ago. This is a great healthy food that is very inexpensive.”

Pure Balance is currently rated #68 in Influencer’s dog food section.

On, some reviewers commented on the Chicken and Brown Rice Recipe. Here’s what they said:

  • “My Italian greyhounds (toy breed) love this food and the size of the kernels works for smaller dogs. I like how this brand has healthier ingredients and is readily available.”
  • “My dog devours this food, so he enjoys the taste. Just as importantly, I know the food is good for him and nutritous. There is a noticeable change in the softness and shine to his coat.”
  • “I did a lot of research trying to find a good healthy dog food that would not break our bank. This did the trick…could immediately tell a positive difference in our dogs weight, activity, and coats. Won’t ever buy anything else..even switched our cat to this brand.”

Since we’ve published this post, we’ve gotten several emails of owners claiming that they’ve finally found a food their dog enjoys and doesn’t react to. Some have also said that they’ve noticed changes in their pup’s coat. Of course, dog food isn’t a one-size fits all thing- we’ve heard of some dogs who Pure Balance doesn’t work for.

Watch other Pure Balance Dog Food Reviews


One Dog’s Reaction to Pure Balance’s Salmon and Pea Dog Food


The Bottom Line

Pure Balance Dog Food is one of the healthiest dog foods you can buy at an affordable price. We bought two flavors for our own dog and he gobbled it up. While he doesn’t have any sensitive stomach issues, we think it’s still important that his only meal of the day is top-quality. His coat seems to be shinier as well. Overall, we’d recommend it.

If you have any questions or complaints about Pure Balance, please scroll above to the “Who Manufactures Pure Balance Food” section. We’ve received many emails of praise or questions about the food. We appreciate them, but we are just the reviewers- not the manufacturer 🙂


Have you tried Pure Balance Dog Food? Comment below which flavor is your dog’s favorite.

Pure balance dog food review


Pure balance dog food review



Pure balance dog food review


Pure balance dog food review


Pure balance dog food review


Pure balance dog food review