HomeDog TipsHilarious Dog Names: Over 100 LMAO-Worthy Ideas That'll Make You Pee Your...

Hilarious Dog Names: Over 100 LMAO-Worthy Ideas That’ll Make You Pee Your Pants

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funny dog names

Whether you’re planning on getting a new pup or you’ve just got one and are waiting to pick out a name, consider a hilarious or funny dog name.

We know what you’re thinking: “Why would I make my dog the butt of the joke for his entire life?”

But don’t think of it that way. Think of it as setting your dog a part from the crowd. Your dog isn’t just any dog; he’s YOUR dog. That means he will be the most special and best dog there is. Soooo you should give him a name to follow suit.

If we had a penny for every time a dog was named Buddy or Bella we would be rich. Scratch that. We’d be super rich. We wouldn’t be writing this blog post right now! We would be on a yacht sipping the best martini made from only the best vodka. We wouldn’t be coaching you on dog names, we’d be coaching ourselves on which destination to visit next. Our whole life would be a vacation.

Okay, let’s stop daydreaming and get back to reality. The main point? There are way too many dogs with common names. You need a name that fits your dog’s personality. And let’s face it… sometimes our dogs are hilarious. Something they are silly. And sometimes they do downright stupid things. Dogs with this type of personality should have a more funky, fresh, exciting and fun name. Giving a pup a funny dog name will bring joy to everyone he meets.


Benefits of Hilarious Dog Names

puppy hilarious dog names

Naming your dog something hilarious will also get him more attention, which he will love. Just think about it. You’re at a backyard BBQ with your closest friends and there’s two dogs there. Your friends can either pay attention to boring Buddy, or they can have fun with the dog with a spunky name. Let’s face it: Even if your dog isn’t cool (disclaimer: all dogs are cool), he will be perceived as cool with a cool name.

Another benefit? Ever watch the romance movies where two people meet because they were both walking their dog in the park? Their leashes get entangled and by the end of the day, the man and the woman are too. Well, that’s wishful thinking. That really doesn’t happen anymore. You both have a quick laugh, an awkward moment, yell at your dogs and move on with your day. BUT with a hilarious dog name, that romantic situation can actually be reality. How you ask? Well, think about it. If you’re in the awkward situation when your dogs get entangled, and he or she asks what your dog name is, you will tell them the hilarious name. Instant spark. Not only will this be a great conversation starter to make that moment last, but it will also show that you have a sense of humor. So when you meet your soul mate this way, you can come back and thank us 😉


Be Careful with Hilarious Dog Names

As much as we love a good laugh, we’d hate to see you name your dog something that you will later regret. Remember who you will have to introduce your dog to and if you will be comfortable telling people his name.

For example, you might name your dog something like Stoner. That’s actually really funny because maybe he actually does look stoned all the time. In fact, maybe he found your stash (go check now!). However, will you be comfortable going to that family event and introducing him with that name?

“Hi Grandma, this is Stoner.”

Unless your Grandma is hip with the times and likes to partake in the same “activities,” it’s unlikely that she won’t be a huge fan of the name. In fact, it might get a little awkward.

Or imagine this situation. Your cute little niece comes up and wants to pet the puppy. Her first question?

“What’s his name?”


“Stoner. Hi stoner.”

Next thing you know, she will be running around the playground reciting the new word she learned. Or worse yet, she may even ask you what the word means. Her parents won’t be too happy and they will have you to thank for that, genius.

So, we’ve made our point. Unless you only hang around people who think and act like you 100% of the time, it’s best to keep others in mind.


Hilarious Dog Nicknames

hilarious dog names

Perhaps all the reasons we’ve given you to name your dog something hilarious still hasn’t convinced you. That’s okay. If you don’t feel comfortable telling people you named your dog something that brilliantly unique, you can always settle for using it as a nickname.

Dogs can be like humans. They get nicknames based on what they do. You do something stupid? You will probably remember it for the rest of your life with a pleasant nickname.

Some of the names in this dog list just may fit your dog to the T. But he may not be a puppy. He may be fully grown and hitting into his later years. But, don’t let that stop you. Like the old saying goes, if the shoe fits wear it. If the nickname fits, call him it. You never know, it may just make him feel like a young pup again 😉

Additionally, some of the dog names in here may be a tad long to say. If the name consists of 2 words, you will need a nickname. For example, if the name is “Hairy Paw-ter,” you are not going to shout “Hairy Paw-ter” every time you want him to come. It’s going to get a little long. Instead, keep the cool name and shorten it to Hairy when you need to call him.

For example, this cute dog below has the funny name “Binky-Bonhomme.” On an everyday basis, we just call him Binky. If he’s been a very bad boy or we’re feeling enthusiastic about introducing him to someone, we’ll call him by his full name.

funny dog name


The list we have provided for you has some hilarious dogs names that can be used as it, or can simply be an idea starter for your own creations. Remember that not all of these names will be perfect for your dog. You have to get to know your puppy’s personality for a while to determine which name will really fit him best.

hilarious dog names

A Checklist of What to Consider

Here’s a list of what to think about before choosing a hilarious dog name:

  • Is it too long? Will you realistically use the name? Or maybe you’re okay with shortening it.
  • Is it offensive? You may think some names are funny, but choosing something even borderline offensive to others isn’t a great idea.
  • Are you okay with judgment? You may laugh about naming your dog “Taco,” but others might flat out call you stupid.
  • Does it require an explanation? If you’re okay with explaining the weird name, go for it.
  • Does it fit his personality? Don’t name a dog “clown” if he’s the most lazy, uneventful dog you’ve met.

Hilarious Dog Names

  • Woofgang
  • Hairy Paw-ter
  • Barkness
  • Bear
  • Catnip
  • Burger
  • Chip
  • Pretzel
  • Barney
  • Ozzy Pawsborne
  • Chew Barka
  • Poops
  • Dink
  • Elmo
  • Broseph
  • Cheese
  • Boop
  • Stewie
  • Waldo
  • Dinky
  • Fabio
  • Hobbit
  • Gonzo
  • Chubs
  • Stinky
  • Banjo
  • Madame
  • Binky
  • Spark Pug
  • Beans
  • E.T.
  • Einstein
  • Porkchop
  • Dickens
  • Foozy
  • Pom pom
  • Sherlock Bones
  • Blunt
  • Bob
  • Winne the Poodle
  • Pancake
  • Loco
  • Pinot
  • Mope
  • Bilbo
  • Donut
  • Chowbella
  • Google
  • Nibit
  • Swiffer
  • Beanie
  • Pope
  • Bozo
  • Scibbly
  • Brewski
  • Buzz
  • William ShakesPaw
  • McDoggins
  • Yolo
  • Bogo
  • Bacon
  • Squish
  • Kush
  • Barkley
  • Yoyo
  • Chandler
  • Slitters
  • Mr. Egg
  • Twinky
  • Beer
  • Zelda
  • Booboo
  • Binkus
  • Catfish
  • Taco
  • Little Joey
  • Poopoo
  • Guinness
  • Muskrat
  • Socks
  • Banans
  • Lulz
  • Bonko
  • Sir Stinks Alot
  • Peeve (Imagine– “This is my pet, Peeve.”)
  • Keeko
  • Twerk
  • Orangie
  • Bong
  • Joppy
  • Fomo
  • Lorenzo
  • Hotdog
  • Poggo
  • Slinkerton
  • Sloppy
  • Mippy


Wacky and Hilarious Dog Names

hilarious dog names, funny dog names

According to Nationwide pet insurance, owners choose to name their dogs a lot of different crazy, stupid and hilarious names. Many of the names are actually 3+ names combined. Although we don’t recommend this, it’s clearly popular among hilarious dog names.

After a thorough selection process, the top 10 dog and 10 cat monikers were chosen from Nationwide’s database of more than 575,000 insured pets and put to a public vote where McLoven the Stud Muffin and Agent Jack Meower were crowned the wackiest. Below are the top 50 hilarious dog names.

  1. McLoven the Stud Muffin
  2. Kanye Westie
  3. Angus Von Wigglebottom
  4. SuperFunCoconutDog
  5. Optimus Prime Rib
  6. Maximus Waffles
  7. ChaChi Big Foot
  8. Scrappin Scruffy Macdoogle of the Highland Macdoogles
  9. Lieutenant Colonel Be Back Soon
  10. Aggie Von Schwaggie
  11. Abner Doubledoodle
  12. Arrow Bumblebee Bruno
  13. Baja Betty
  14. Bear Paws Lord Of The Dance
  15. Benjamin Pickles
  16. Boon Bon Wrinkler
  17. Captain Jack Barkypants
  1. Catfish Hobbs
  2. Champagne Charlie
  3. Chauncey Peppertooth
  4. Chazz Porter
  5. Chicky Chippo The Fox Demon
  6. Chief Frederick Prince Manbearpig Pace
  7. Chief Tator Tot
  8. Hugo Abelard Le Meatball
  9. Jabba The Pug
  10. Jack Purves The Doody Boy
  11. Justa Dog J.D
  12. Katie Scarlett Of Chattapoochie
  13. Lady Doodle Savage
  14. Leilei Puppypoo Mcclure
  15. Lordess Niblonia Of Townsend Manor
  16. Mackeys Molly Bea Of Dawson Farms
  17. Master Humphrey Beauguardus
  1. Ninja Roo The Fox Demon Ii
  2. Odysseys Hot Shot Of Aspenhill
  3. Oh So Rosenberg
  4. Olly Duke Of Kashmir
  5. Peaches Sweetpea King Walker
  6. Pocketful O Barley
  7. Polkadot Sox
  8. Princess Poo Poo Provolone
  9. Professor Monty Waffles
  10. Savage Seahawk Sofie
  11. Seargent Buzzbomb
  12. Sir Winchster Mcsniffems
  13. Tazz The Jazz Dog
  14. The Great Pepperoni
  15. Tipper Crackerjack
  16. Zsa Zsa Chanel

“Our Wacky Pet Names competition is a great way to showcase the creativity of the pet lover’s community,” said Carol McConnell vice president of Nationwide.

“The unique monikers among our members’ pets come from a variety of different sources, some of which are based on joke filled puns, while others have a sentimental meaning. This year’s campaign saw strong references to pop culture topics.”

So who are these dogs with hilarious dog names? You can check out a few of their profiles here.

If you’re not up for naming your dog a hilarious dog name, consider these more simple options.


Share the Terrible Name with the World

Let’s face it, if you name your dog something terrible or hilarious, you won’t be able to find that name premade on any item. You’ll need to personalize items for your pup. This way, everyone will be able to know his silly name. Bonus: They’re all on Amazon.


Glow-in-the-dark Stainless Steel Silent Dog Tag

terrible dog names

The laser engraving makes your stupid dog name pop but also eliminates the annoying jingling noise many dog tags make.

Price: $8.95

Rating: 4.5/5

Number of Reviews: 437


Genuine Leather ID Collar

terrible dog names

Maybe your dog has chosen a gangster name and he needs a collar equally as badass to match.

Price: $19.99

Rating: 4/5

Number of Reviews: 52


Beautifully Colored Modern Id Tag

terrible dog names

So this tag wouldn’t be suitable for most dog names… but it would be perfect for the fancier and boujee funny dog names, such as Pinot or Twerk.

Price: $6.22

Rating: 4/5

Number of Reviews: 171


Sparkly Dog ID Tag

terrible dog names

Again, this would work for fancy names. However, since it comes in over 15 colors, it can be versatile. For example, how about a brown sparkle for Poops or a green sparkle for Kush.

Price: $4.50

Rating: 5/5

Number of Reviews: 891


Personalized Food + Water Dog Bowl

terrible dog names

Since you can pick a variety of fonts and colors, you can make a bowl that’s just as silly as your pup!

Price: $15.99

Rating: 4.5/5

Number of Reviews: 1,045


Personalized Dog Ring

terrible dog names

Okay, this is really for you. But how hilarious would it be to engrave your stupid dog name into a ring. Love it!

Price: $29.99

Rating: 4.5/5

Number of Reviews: 6


funny dog names

funny dog names

funny dog names

funny dog names

funny dog names

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