Some dogs whine and some bark, but others take it to a different level entirely.
In this cute dog video above, dogs make weird noises...
Asking your dog how his day was and responding for him. Facetiming him. Birthday cards from your dog. The list of weird things couples...
In the video above, an owner constructs a pen made out of soda cans and plops his dog into the middle. The silly dog...
Every dog in the world wishes they had the same luxury as this dog! In the cute dog video above, a dog cruises into...
In this cute dog prank above, a mom asks her prank video to watch her child and dog for a moment.
A quick minute...
The level of cuteness in the video above is almost too hard to handle!
This tiny, tiny puppy enjoys his first strawberry and he's...
Some dogs are afraid of balloons but this is one brave pup!
In the cute dog video above, the dog jumps on a trampoline...