If you’re a dog lover who does proper pet care, you know that dogs will eat just about anything that you put into their mouths.

You have to be careful what you feed your dogs to make sure your furbabies live a long, happy life. Some give their pets human food but there are things that humans eat daily that can be detrimental to your dogs’ health.

There are common fruits, vegetables, and processed foods that will definitely harm a dog’s health. Here are the top 7 people foods that dogs can’t eat so you can avoid them on your next feeding time.

#1 Chocolate

Let’s start with a classic: chocolate. If you’re a dog owner, you would know that chocolate contains several substances that can be toxic to dogs, which include methylxanthines. Chief among these methylxanthines is theobromine, the primary reason why chocolate has its distinct taste. 

While humans can process these chemicals, dogs have no way to process these in their bodies. It can result in extreme poisoning, which varies depending on the type of chocolate they eat. An eight-ounce (8 oz) milk chocolate bar is enough to make a 50-lb dog sick, but the same size dog can also get sick with an ounce of Baker’s chocolate.

Dogs will exhibit several symptoms of poisoning when they ingest chocolate. It’s best to keep chocolate and chocolate products away from dogs. While dogs won’t necessarily seek them out, they may accidentally consume them when they’re hungry. Contact your vet if your dog has consumed chocolate.

#2 Extremely Fatty Foods

If you see the title, you’ll wonder why dogs can’t eat extremely fatty foods. Dogs are omnivores, so they can eat meat, grains, and vegetables where they can. Even then, ultra-fatty foods like pork, beef, and lamb may cause pancreatitis in dogs.

Canine pancreatitis can come from many things and its exact cause is hard to pinpoint. Since pancreatitis is, in general, a fatty pancreas, fat-rich foods are a primary suspect. Dogs that also like to scavenge food from garbage cans are also susceptible, as most foods that are discarded often contain fat caps, gristle, and oil.

Feed your dogs fats and oils in moderation. If you can, give your dog some lean meats with a decent amount of healthy oils to help maintain your dog’s weight.

#3 Xylitol

One human innovation over the last century and a half is the invention of xylitol, which is a sugar substitute. Xylitol is present in many different types of canned and processed human foods, mostly to help diabetics enjoy a sweet flavor in their desserts. Xylitol is also a poison to every dog out there.

The problem with Xylitol is that it has the ability to lower dogs’ blood sugar and cause liver failure when ingested. Liver failure can happen within a few days of ingestion, so it’s important to make sure they are not fed any of it. Some symptoms of Xylitol poisoning include lethargy, vomiting, and issues with coordination.

When you buy something from the supermarkets, make sure that Xylitol is not present in what you buy for them. Even in the food you eat, make sure that Xylitol is not an added ingredient if you intend on feeding your dogs. Contact your vet if your dog has had a product containing Xylitol.

#4 Grapes and Raisins

Grapes are some of the most fruits in the world. They’re juicy, scrumptious, and come in portable bite-sized snacks we all know and love. They’re also some of the most toxic fruits that dogs should never ingest.

The connection between dog poisoning and grapes is not yet clear. In many situations, experts thought that this was a mycotoxin present in grapes but all types of grapes from anywhere in the world are poisonous to them. Dogs develop acute kidney failure with anuria or lack of urine production.

As raisins are dried grapes, they are also extremely toxic to dogs. If you are feeding your dog, make sure that it doesn’t contain raisins, grapes, or extracts from it. Contact your vet if your dog has consumed grapes or raisins.

#5 Avocado

If you’re the type who likes snacking on avocado or avocado-based products like guac, it’s best to keep it away from your pooch. Avocado and all of its parts are toxic to dogs, from the fruit to the leaves and even the plant itself. This comes from the chemical persin that is present in avocado.

While the meat of the avocado fruit has a much lower persin concentration than its other parts, it can still cause several issues. In large amounts, avocado can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and digestive issues in your dogs. 

At the same time, the high-fat content in avocado can also lead to canine pancreatitis. Avocado is also ultra-dense in calories, which can lead to extreme weight gain. 

If you gave your dog a small amount of avacado, they’ll likely be okay, but watch for signs in case and call your vet if needed.

#6 Garlic and Onion

Garlic and onion are some of the most common herbs and spices in human food. If something is cooked in the kitchen, chances are there is garlic and onion in it. This can be bad for your dogs as garlic and onion are a definite no-no for your pooch’s diet.

Garlic, onion, and other members of the Allium family contain thiosulfate, which is toxic to dogs. Thiosulfate is easily metabolized in the human bloodstream but dogs lack the ability to do so. Thiosulfate can damage and destroy red blood cells in dogs, which can then lead to hemolytic anemia.

Some symptoms of garlic and onion toxicity include vomiting, diarrhea, depression, loss of appetite, rapid breathing, jaundice, and weakness. While dogs need to consume a lot of garlic to see visible results, some dogs are more sensitive to garlic and onions. If you gave your dog a small amount of onion or garlic, they’ll likely be okay but might have a sore stomach. Watch for signs and contact your vet if needed.

#7 Certain Bones

It’s easy to think that dogs can eat bones. They love bones and they’re natural parts of meats like chicken and turkey. Even then, bones can be bad for a dog’s health if they’re consumed incorrectly.

Bones can splinter into small, sharp pieces inside a dog’s stomach and intestine. Small, dense bones like chicken leg bones can be sharp enough to pierce the intestinal lining, which causes internal bleeding. Some dogs also fail to poop them out, so these can stay inside the digestive tract and cause long-term damage.

If you’re feeding bones, it’s important to give big bones that they can’t crack like ham bones and leg bones. Cooked leg bones can be great chews as they grind it to small, powdery bits.

Final Thoughts

Dogs are family. We only want the best for them, so it’s easy to see why many dog owners feed their furbabies some people food. There’s nothing wrong with that but knowing which food is ok for dogs and which food is not can help prevent common issues in them.

Remember our list above and educate other members of your family about what they can and can’t give to dogs. Trust us, being careful goes a long way in making sure your dogs are happy and free from sickness.

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