HomeActivitiesDIY Homemade Dog Spray for Odor: 5 Bases + 8 Blends

DIY Homemade Dog Spray for Odor: 5 Bases + 8 Blends

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If you’re looking for a dog spray perfume, you can try making one at home.

With only a few ingredients, you may be able to pull off a scent comparable to one that’s store-bought. Before jumping in though, there’s a few things to know and a few precautions to take when oils.

In this post, we’re sharing 5 bases for DIY dog sprays for odor. To customize your homemade product, you’ll learn what to scent it with, complete with 8 essential oil blend recipes.

Keep reading for your full guide on creating a signature homemade dog spray for odor.


How to Use Homemade Dog Spray for Odor

There’s a few ways you can use your DIY dog spray. Since the oils will settle, shake before each use.

  • After a Bath. To make your dog smell even better after a bath, spritz her with a little DIY spray, making sure to avoid the eye area.
  • Maybe it’s not bath time yet, but your dog could freshen up a little. Spray over her body, avoiding the eye area.
  • Room Spray. If a room is smelling off, spray a little DIY dog spray to smell good.


5 Homemade Dog Spray for Odor Recipes

When it comes to making a DIY dog sprays, there’s a few ways you can do it. Although the ingredients vary, you may notice differences when you try another recipe. For example, witch hazel can help a spray’s scent staying power. Although you can make a great smelling with simple water, it won’t stay around as long. Still, it’s great to use in a pinch. The ingredients you use depend on how long you want your spray to last and what you have available.

You should also consider that some recipes won’t stay good as long as others. If you use regular water, your spray has more risk for bacteria. On the other hand, distilled water can prevent the growth of mold.


Water DIY Dog Spray

This is the quickest and easiest dog spray you can make. Because it uses just water, you can’t expect the scent to hold for too long. However, it’s a great go-to recipe when you need a no-fuss spray.

Water DIY Dog Spray

A great go-to recipe for a no-fuss spray.

  • 1 small spray bottle ((about 2-3oz.))
  • Water
  • 4 drops dog-safe essential oil or blend ((see post for ideas))
  1. Fill the spray bottle with water.

  2. Add essential oil(s).

  3. Shake vigorously.

  4. Spray on dog, avoiding head area. Discontinue if irritation occurs.

Diy dog spray for odor



Distilled Water DIY Dog Spray

Instead of using regular water, see if you find a difference using distilled water. The minerals contained in tap water can change the way the spray bonds together. It also helps spray last longer without bacteria. You can buy it in the store, or you can learn to make easy DIY distilled water yourself.

Distilled Water DIY Dog Spray

Distilled water can make your diy dog spray for odor last longer without bacteria.

  • 1 1 small spray bottle ((about 2-3 oz.))
  • 4 drops dog-safe essential oil or blend ((see article for ideas))
  1. Fill the spray bottle with distilled water.

  2. Add essential oil(s).

  3. Shake vigorously.

  4. Spray on dog, avoiding head area. Discontinue if irritation occurs.

Diy dog spray for odor


Witch Hazel Homemade Dog Spray for Odor

This DIY dog spray perfume is easy to make and customizable to your favorite dog-safe smell. The scent will also last longer thanks to the witch hazel.


Witch Hazel Homemade Dog Spray for Odor

Your dog spray for odor will last longer thanks to witch hazel.

  • 1 1 small spray bottle ((about 2-3oz))
  • Witch hazel
  • Water or distilled water ((distilled is preferred))
  • 4 drops dog-safe essential oil or blend ((see article for ideas))
  1. Fill the spray bottle about 3/4 way with water.

  2. Fill the remaining 1/4 of the bottle with witch hazel.

  3. Add essential oil(s).

  4. Shake vigorously.

  5. Spray on dog, avoiding head area. Discontinue if irritation occurs.

Diy dog spray for odor



Coconut Oil + Water DIY Dog Spray

The addition of coconut oil in this dog spray may add a moisturizing effect to your dog’s coat.

Coconut Oil + Water DIY Dog Spray

Adding coconut oil to your DIY dog odor spray will have a moisturizing effect.

  • 1 small spray bottle ((about 2-3oz.))
  • Water or distilled water ((distilled is preferred))
  • 1/4 tsp. Melted coconut oil
  • 4 drops drops dog-safe essential oil or blend ((see article for ideas))
  1. Add rubbing alcohol to the spray bottle.

  2. Fill with water.

  3. Add essential oil(s).

  4. Shake vigorously.

  5. Spray on dog, avoiding head area. Discontinue if irritation occurs

Diy dog spray for odor


Alcohol-Based DIY Dog Spray for Odor

Alcohol is one of those ingredients that dog owners are divided on. On one hand, rubbing alcohol is drying. On the other, it’s very effective in a DIY dog spray for odor. It helps neutralize scents, leaving behind the smell of your essential oil.

Alcohol DIY Dog Spray for Odor

Rubbing alcohol can have drying effects but the upside is that it helps neutralize scents–perfect for a DIY dog spray for odor.

  • 1 Small spray bottle ((about 2-3oz.))
  • Water or distilled water ((distilled is preferred))
  • 1 tsp. rubbing alcohol or vodka
  • 4 drops dog-safe essential oil or blend ((see article for ideas))
  1. Add rubbing alcohol to the spray bottle.

  2. Fill with water.

  3. Add essential oil(s).

  4. Shake vigorously

  5. Spray on dog, avoiding head area. Discontinue if irritation occurs

Diy dog spray for odor


Scents for DIY Dog Spray Perfumes and Colognes

The most of part of making a DIY dog spray for odor is choosing a scent. Before diving in, you should not that not all fragrances are safe for dogs. While this is general information, you should always contact your vet for advice.

Fragrance Oils

If you have a pure fragrance oil you have in mind, contact the manufacturer to see if it’s safe to use in a dog spray. Most fragrances are too strong. While they’re okay on human skin, they can irritate a dog, so never use without knowing it’s dog-safe.

Essential Oils

To scent your DIY dog spray for smell, it’s best to use dog-safe essential oils. As with fragrance oils, not all essential oils are okay to use with dogs. Just because something is natural doesn’t mean it’s safe. Essentials are concentrated oils from real plants; that means they’re very potent. Even when an oil is safe, it’s important to use an appropriate amount so it doesn’t irritate your dog.

Vanilla Extract

Some people add a few drops of vanilla extract to their DIY dog spray for smell. This appears to be safe for dogs, but since there isn’t any official word on the topical application of vanilla extract on dogs, use with caution.


If your dog has any sensitivities or allergies, keep that in mind. Whenever you use a new product (even a DIY dog spray), you should monitor your four-legged friend for side effects. While a spray may be fine on one dog, it could irritate another. Even dog-safe essential oils can bug some dogs who have sensitive skin. Discontinue if there’s any sign of irritation


8 Essential Oil Blends for Homemade Dog Sprays for Odor

Before choosing an essential oil or blend for your DIY dog spray, make sure it’s safe to use with dogs. Always talk to your vet.

Here are the essential oils thought to be most safe for dogs:

  • Lavender
  • Mint
  • Frankincense
  • Cedar
  • Lemongrass
  • Frankincense
  • Chamomile

Cedar-Chamomile Blend

  • 2 drops cedar
  • 2 drops chamomile

Chamomile-Lavender Blend

  • 2 drops chamomile
  • 2 drops lavender

Mint-Lavender Blend

  • 2 drops mint
  • 2 drops lavender

Lavender-Lemongrass Blend

  • 2 drops lavender
  • 2 drops lemongrass

Lemongrass-Lavender-Cedar-Frankincense Blend

  • 1 drop lemongrass
  • 1 drop lavender
  • 1 drop cedarwood
  • 1 drop frankincense

Lavender-Mint-Lemongrass Blend

  • 2 drops lavender
  • 1 drop mint
  • 1 drop lemongrass

Frankincense-Lemongrass Blend

  • 2 drops frankincense
  • 2 drops lemongrass

Cedar-Frankincense Blend

  • 2 drops cedar
  • 2 drops frankincense

diy dog spray for odor homemade dog safe essential oils

diy dog spray for odor homemade dog safe essential oils

diy dog spray for odor homemade dog safe essential oils

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