HomeDog Tips5 Basic Must-Teach Commands: Dog Training Denver

5 Basic Must-Teach Commands: Dog Training Denver

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dog training, basic commands, dog training denver

Getting a new puppy is exciting! Everything is new for you and her and every day she seems to be learning something different. But, what should she be learning? The level in which you’d like to train her is your choice as an owner, but there are a couple basic commands she should learn as soon as she can.

There’s a few tricks you can likely teach your dog at home, but others may be more difficult. If you have a problematic pup who can’t seem to sit still long enough to learn a trick, you may need to hire a professional. At the end of this post, we will discuss options to consider if you’re having trouble teaching your pup.

Whether you’re looking for dog training in Denver or any other state, help is available.

#1: Sit

This one is usually the easiest trick to start dog training. You can start off teaching him this command when you’re going to give him a treat. When he learns it, he will be able to do it anytime you need him to.

Here’s how:


#2: Lay

After you teach your pup to sit, you should teach him how to lay down.

Here’s how:


#3: Stay

Teaching your dog to stay is a super important command. Once he learns this, you will be able to stop him from getting too hyper, bad behaviour and running away off leash.

Here’s how:


#4: Come

Teaching your dog to come here will be helpful if he ever tries to run away. But it can also be useful every day. Whenever you haven’t seen your pup in awhile and you know he’s getting into something in your house, calling “come” will easily solve the problem.

Here’s how:


#5: No

Just like kids, dogs also need to learn the word NO! To him, no will mean stop. But there’s a lot of controversy on whether if you should use this word or use a different word. To decide if you should use this word, watch the video below.

Here’s how:


Professional Help

If you’ve tried the above methods and you can’t seem to teach your dog basic commands, it may be time to enlist the help of a professional trainer. Keep in mind that it’s not that your dog is untrainable, he just may need a teacher who is more experienced.

Other reasons you may want to hire a dog trainer include:

  • Your dog is destructive
  • Your dog has issues with barking
  • Your dog displays inappropriate and embarrassing behavior
  • You get annoyed or frustrated when trying to teach your dog


Reasons why professional dog training works:

  • Some trainers come to your home to teach your dog (such as Dog Training Denver). Dogs learn more quickly and are less stressed in their own environments.
  • Training goes beyond just teaching your dog a trick. You’ll learn patterns of communication and interpretation.
  • Unlike other methods, good trainers won’t use force or pain to teach your dog.
  • While YouTube videos can help you teach your dog a certain trick, they often do not target your dog’s specific problems. A trainer can assess your personal situation and develop a plan that will improve your dog’s behavior at large for the long-run.

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