HomeDog TipsHow Much Do Puppies Sleep? | Ultimutt Dog Sleeping Guide

How Much Do Puppies Sleep? | Ultimutt Dog Sleeping Guide

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how much do puppies sleep

Puppies can be pretty wild.

They hop everywhere, get into everything and when they’re not doing that, they’re ripping something apart.

But, when they’re out—they’re out. One moment they’re like a can of Red Bull and the next, they’re dozing off.

In this post, we’re discussing everything you need to know about puppy sleep.


How Much Do Puppies Sleep?

Puppies sleep a lot—about 15-20 hours a day, depending on their age. Although that’s most of the day, nap time is necessary for young dogs. It helps maintain healthy growth and rest between their rambunctious play times.

After an hour of play or just being awake, a puppy may sleep for 30 minutes to an hour or longer. Similar to a newborn, they’ll sleep in the day and night. While they’re learning to control their bladder, you may need to get up in the middle of the night to take them for a pee.


How Much Do Puppies Sleep at 10 Weeks?How Much Do Puppies Sleep

Puppies sleep at 10 weeks for about 18 to 20 hours. At this stage, you may be rehoming the dog and introducing him to his new family. If this is the case, he could be extra tired from leaving the birth environment he’s known for 2 and a half months. A lot of energy is used meeting new people and sensing new senses.

During this time, you may also star basic obedience training and teaching the dog how to socialize. This can also take energy out of a young pup.


How Much Do Puppies Sleep at 16 Weeks?

At 16 weeks, a dog will sleep for around 18 to 20 hours every day. They will still have bounds of that puppy energy that tires them out throughout the day. They also should be gaining more bladder control and able to hold it for longer periods of time.


How Much Do Puppies Sleep at 6 Months?

Once a dog reaches 6 months, he’ll still sleep a lot, but likely less than months previous. On average, you can expect him to sleep for 16 to 20 hours a day. He should also be able to make it through the night without whining to use the washroom. During this period, you should be able to take him on long walks and have longer play sessions between sleep.


How Long Do Puppies Sleep at Night?

How Much Do Puppies Sleep

Puppies sleep both during the day and at night. While adult dogs are likely to adapt to your sleeping schedule (unless you sleep in), a puppy will probably sleep for a shorter period of time and wake you up throughout the night. Instead of sleeping for a full 8 hours, you may notice him sleeping for 5 or 6 hours and waking up, wanting to play. Although this can be a chore and interrupt your own sleep, remember that his sleep patterns are similar to a baby and will improve over time. To help avoid overnight energy, exercise your dog at night, but not directly before bedtime. If he’s just laying around resting for hours before sleeping, he’s bound to wake up to get that energy out.

During the first few months, your puppy will probably wake you up in the middle of the night to use the washroom. By around 16 months, his bladder should be more developed and the nightly pee breaks should decrease and soon stop.


Is My Puppy Sleeping Too Much?

As your puppy grows up, you’ll begin to learn his sleeping patterns and what’s normal. If you neuter or spay your canine, you may notice that their energy decreases over the next months, leading to more naps. It’s also normal for a puppy to fall asleep during playtime or directly afterwards. A puppy “crashing” isn’t typically a cause for concern.

If you notice any unusual changes in your dog’s sleeping patterns, you should contact your vet to see if everything is okay. Additionally, if your puppy is sleeping over 22 hours to the point where he is barely active or awake, you should talk to your vet. Causes could include a bad diet, lack of water or a medical issue.


Why Do Puppies Need More Sleep?

Much like babies, puppies need more sleep to help with their development.

Sleep is important for the pup is because he’s using up a lot of energy. Imagine you’re a puppy and the world is completely new to you. There’s new sights, scents, sounds and you’re still learning how things work and who everyone is. This sensory overload can make a little doggo tired. If you’re trying to train him, he’s also putting his brain to work, which can add to the fatigue.


How Much Do Adult Dogs Sleep?

Although adult dogs sleep less than puppies, they still sleep a lot more than humans. In a 24 hour period, they spend about 12-14 hours asleep. However, this amount depends on your dog’s age and even breed. Older dogs and some small and large breeds tend to need more rest.

Even when dogs aren’t sleeping, if they’re not active, they’re probably laying around awake. However, unlike humans who sleep for a set session each night, dogs are more flexible. When there’s nothing going on, they will lazy around. If something exciting happens, they pop their head up and regain energy to play or look around. Dogs who lead busy lives, such as working dogs, or canines with a lot of outdoor space to explore are likely to sleep less.


How to Get Your Puppy to Sleep

How Much Do Puppies Sleep

Many dogs will crash after an energetic play session or long walk. In fact, even if you want your puppy to stay awake, he may find it difficult to keep his eyes open. However, some doggos are so excited to see the new world around them that they don’t want to miss a moment. If this sounds like your pup, here are some tips you can use.

Set bedtime

Dogs are creatures of habit. Much like children, they will benefit from having a set daily routine. This includes feeding, bathroom breaks, walks and—yes, sleep. In addition to having a bedtime each time, also set time aside for your puppy to sleep after his active sessions.


Set aside quiet space

When it’s time to sleep, encourage your pup to sleep in a quiet room, away from any disturbances. You may choose to encourage him to sleep in his crate or in a dog bed in a special room. Take your puppy to the space whenever he’s looking dozy until he goes there naturally himself. When your dog is small, it’s best to give him his own sleeping space as opposed to sleeping in your bed. Small puppies can be easy to accidentally rolled over on or kicked off. On the other hand, if your puppy is big, you’ll need to consider whether you want him sleeping in the bed as an adult. If he’s a large breed and there’s no space in your bed, you should recognize this before your dog builds a habit of sleeping there.


Exercise in early evening

Try to get your dog some exercise a few hours before bedtime. Activity right before bed can mean your dog needs longer to settle down. And, no exercise in the evening at all may lead to your pup waking up in the middle of the night with bounds of energy.


Don’t wake them up

This may seem obvious, but when you’re so excited about your new puppy, it can be hard to keep away from him when he’s sleeping. It can be especially important to teach kids to leave the dog alone while he’s napping.


Place soothing items around

If your dog is whining or crying in the night and is having trouble sleeping, try placing some soothing items around or in his bed. This may include his favorite toy or bone. If you can, try getting a piece of fabric (a shirt or small blanket) from the home he came from. The familiar scent can help him feel calm and at home. You can ask the breeder, shelter or foster dog parent if you can drop off a little blanket or toy to “capture” the sent and make him feel more comfortable at his new home. If this isn’t an option, you can leave a shirt of yours in his bed so he is calmed by your sent while he drifts off.

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