HomeDog TipsCan Dogs Eat This? 20 of Your Most Common Questions Answered Quickly

Can Dogs Eat This? 20 of Your Most Common Questions Answered Quickly

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Almost everyone knows that dogs shouldn’t eat chocolate and grapes.

But there’s other lesser-known foods that your pup should avoid, too. If you’re someone who constantly finds yourself researching what human snacks are okay for your four-legged friend, you’ll love this list.

While we’re providing general advice, you should check with your vet if your dog has any sensitivities or allergies. Even if your dog seems to tolerate just about any food, make sure to keep near her when feeding her something new. Sometimes dogs develop allergies to unsuspecting foods and you want to be there in case there’s a reaction.

Here are 20 of the most commonly Googled questions when it comes to your dogs and food.



Can Dogs Eat This? Your Questions Answered


#1 Can Dogs Eat Dates?

can dogs eat dates

Dogs can eat dates, but like everything else, in moderation. Having a date at a time for a snack is unlikely to cause stomach upset, but having too many is a bad idea. Since dates contain a lot of fiber and sugar, having a few at a time could cause digestive issues. If your dog has diabetes, you should be extra careful giving him sugary foods. If you have a small pup, removing the pit will ensure he doesn’t choke. With a healthy dose of Vitamin C and iron, copper, zinc and calcium, there are a few benefits to having a date from time to time.


#2 Can Dogs Eat Applesauce?

can dogs eat applesauce

In moderation, apple sauce can be a great snack for dogs, especially when combined with other ingredients to make treats. With that being said, many brands are sugar-laden and actually aren’t that healthy. If you’re looking for the most health version, choose sugar-free and organic types. v Applesauce is typically high in Vitamin C and A, which can improve your dog’s coat. However, the nutrition benefits will depend on the brand you choose.


#3 Can Dogs Eat Olives?

can dogs eat olives

Olives have healthy fat and protein, making it a healthy treat to occasionally add to your dog’s diet. As you may have tasted, many brands are high in sodium, so feeding her to many is a bad idea. Another thing to watch out for is the pits. Since they can be a choking hazard, they aren’t recommended for puppies. If you’re drinking a martini and want to throw the olive to your dog, make sure it hasn’t been soaking in the alcohol.


#4 Can Dogs Eat Bell Peppers?

can dogs eat bell peppers

Dogs can eat bell peppers. In particular, the red variety is the healthiest with high levels of vitamins. Red, Orange and Yellow peppers are packed with C, A and B6. Of course, you should remove the stem and seeds before cutting a piece off to feed your dog. It should go without saying, but stay away from the spicy peppers, such as jalapenos.


#5 Can Dogs Eat Marshmallows?

can dogs eat marshmallows

As you probably guessed, marshmallows aren’t healthy for humans or dogs, so they should generally be avoided. However, a marshmallow as a treat every now and then is unlikely to harm your dog. You need to watch out for brands containing the sugar alternative xylitol, which is poisonous to dogs. Another warning is to be careful with puppies around marshmallows since they could be a choking hazard. While there’s better snacks to feed your dog, if she accidently snatches one up, there’s probably no cause for worry unless it’s a “sugar-free” brand.


#6 Can Dogs Eat Pork?

can dogs eat pork

Plain pork with no spices that is thoroughly cooked through is generally okay for dogs to eat. Ground pork and other varieties may contain garlic or onion powder, which may cause digestion issues for dogs. You should also note that the fat in pork is harder to digest than that in other meat. For this reason, if you’re giving your doggo a piece of pork as a snack, give him a small piece first to see if he reacts. Pork bones aren’t recommended for dogs because they can splinter, which can cause choking or internal damage. Other forms, such as bacon, are not a good idea. The high salt content is unhealthy and, in large amounts, can cause fatal bloating to dogs.


#7 Can Dogs Eat Pizza?

can dogs eat pizza

Every time you have a greasy slice of pizza, guaranteed Buddy is sitting beside you, waiting for something to drop. It’s not the best idea to feed pizza to your dog. Many varieties and sauces contain garlic and onion, which can cause digestive issues for dogs. If your dog has dairy or wheat sensitivities, he should also avoid pizza. If not, it’s unlikely a small amount will hurt him. With that being said, as you probably know, pizza isn’t healthy, especially for dogs. The high sodium levels of processed foods may contribute to bloating.


#8 Can Dogs Eat Tuna?

can dogs eat tuna

If your dog eats a small amount of tuna, it’s unlikely to harm her. However, you probably don’t want to make it a regular snack because tuna has higher mercury levels than other fishes. High mercury levels can lead to mercury poisoning. The mercury level in tuna depends on the levels in the water it’s caught in. Since humans weigh more than dogs, certain amounts of tuna are okay and even recommended. The smaller the dog, the more susceptible they may be to mercury poisoning.


#9 Can Dogs Eat Beans?

can dogs eat beans

Beans, beans, the magical fruit. The more your dog eats, the more he toots. Most beans are healthy for dogs to eat, but some should be avoided. Fava beans should be avoided because they have PHA, which can be harmful in high doses. Although you shouldn’t intentionally give them to your dog, if he scoops one up, you probably don’t need to worry about it.

Another thing to watch out for is the way the beans are stored. For example, canned beans contain more sodium, which isn’t good in high amounts either. Washing beans thoroughly can take away some of the salt content. Refried beans aren’t the healthiest option either. If you’re using dried beans, always soak them before feeding to your dog. Beans can be a great source of protein and fiber, which can help digestion. However, if you feed your dog too many, too much fiber may have the opposite effect and create gas pains.


#10 Can Dogs Eat Mushrooms (cooked or uncooked)?

First things first: Are we talking about wild mushrooms or ones you buy in the grocery store? Several varieties of wild mushrooms can be poisonous, leading to issues such as liver or kidney failure, vomiting and more. Unless you’re a mushroom connoisseur, you probably aren’t wandering around identifying species of mushrooms. So, it’s best to keep your dog away from any wild mushrooms when you’re walking near them. If your dog has eaten a wild mushroom, seek immediate veterinary care. If you can, bring the mushroom to help identify the cause and possible side effects.

With that being said, mushrooms you buy in the grocery store are most likely safe for your dog to eat. You can feed her a small amount of raw or cooked pieces. If they’re cooked, avoid seasonings or added flavor, such as salt and butter.


#11 Can Dogs Eat Cinnamon?

can dogs eat cinnamon

If your dog is begging for a human food containing cinnamon, you may be wondering if the spice is considered safe. Well, your dog is in luck! Cinnamon is safe for dogs to eat in normal quantities. In fact, it could help dogs with arthritis since it has anti-inflammatory properties. With that being said, the spice is often paired with other ingredients that aren’t safe, so be sure to fully check the food before giving your dog a piece. See 6 Spices Great for Doggos.


#12 Can Dogs Have Hummus?

can dogs eat hummus

Let’s break down what hummus actually is: chickpeas, lemon juice, garlic, olive oil, seasoning and tahini. The problem here is lemon juice and garlic. As we discussed above, garlic can cause digestive issues in large amounts. Let’s break down what hummus actually is: chickpeas, lemon juice, garlic, olive oil, seasoning and tahini. With that being said, chickpeas themselves are generally healthy for dogs to eat.


#13 Can Dogs Eat Papaya?

can dogs eat papaya

As long as you remove the seeds, dogs can safely eat a small amount of papaya as a snack. The fruit will fuel your dog with Vitamin C, A and E. It also contains fiber and calcium. Remember, too much sugar isn’t a good thing, so keep portion sizes small and occasional. If your doggo has diabetes, it’s best to stay away from sugary foods.


#14 Can Dogs Eat Asparagus?

Dogs can safely eat asparagus. Although you can feed it to her raw, you may want to consider cooking it. The tough stalks can make digestion difficult for your doggo. Small dogs or puppies may have a hard time eating an entire stalk and it could pose a choking hazard. You may want to consider cutting it into pieces before feeding it to your dog. Although it’s a healthy vegetable, it’s worth noting that the fern that grows alongside asparagus is toxic. For this reason, if you’re lucky enough to have the veggie in your garden, consider putting a fence around it to prevent your dog from an accidental harmful snack.


#15 Can Dogs Eat Bread?

can dogs eat bread

As long as your dog doesn’t have any allergies or sensitivities, she can safely eat bread in a small amount. However, dogs shouldn’t eat bread in the same way as humans: Practically for every meal. Since it has no nutritional value, there’s really no reason to feed a canine a slice. But if you want to treat her with a small piece every now and then, it’s unlikely to cause harm. However, stay away from raw bread dough. Not only does it taste gross (hey, maybe not to doggo), but it can also cause health issues.


#16 Can Dogs Eat Peanut Butter?

can dogs eat peanut butter

Peanut butter is a dog favorite (and it’s really funny to watch them lick the roof of their mouths). While many brands are okay for dogs to eat, you need to be very careful not to buy a brand with xylitol. Xylitol is an artificial sweetener, so jars with slogans such as “sugar-free” or “low calorie” should cause you to pause. Even if they don’t, always check the ingredients. This sweetener is toxic to dogs can even result in death. Other than that, try to look for unsalted varieties.

Although peanut butter is generally safe for dogs, it can be high in sodium and can cause issues, such as bloating, in high amounts.


#17 Can Dogs Eat Nectarines?

can dogs eat nectarines

Dogs can snack on a little nectarine every now and then. The fruit contains Vitamin A and C and fiber, which makes digestion easier. As with most fruits, nectarines are high in sugar, so you should avoid giving too much to your canine. If she’s diabetic, your vet may advise you to avoid fruit in general. Make sure to cut a piece of for your doggo, rather than giving her the entire thing. The pit can be harmful to dogs and can also pose a choking hazard. With that being said, feeding canned nectarines to your dog isn’t the best idea. Often canned fruits contain syrups and canines shouldn’t have that much sugar in their diets.


#18 Can Dogs Eat Popcorn?

can you dogs eat popcorn

If your dog isn’t alerted by the sound of popping, he’s probably coming out of his bed for the buttery, salty scent that fills the room. But is he allowed to have a piece or two? Plain, air-popped popcorn, or pupcorn as I like to call it, is okay for dogs to eat in small amounts. Just make sure to keep the kernels that don’t pop away from your dog; it may pose a choking hazard.

With that being said, I bet you’re eating a more delicious variety of popcorn laden with seasonings and butter. Of course, butter is a dairy product and doesn’t sit well in dog’s stomach. Salt can cause issues for dogs in high amounts. And, you need to be careful about other seasonings or mixed flavors as well. Garlic and onion isn’t good for dogs, so salts containing those flavors should also be avoided.


If you’re planning on sharing your snack here’s what you may want to do: Make plain popcorn and reserve a few plain pieces for your dog. Then mix your own portion with flavors separately.


#19 Can Dogs Have Almond Milk?

A small amount of almond milk is generally safe for canines. While feeding her food containing almond milk is unlikely to cause harm, we don’t recommend feeding her a bowl-full because it’s high in calories (and frankly, unnecessary). Make sure the brand you choose does NOT contain xylitol, which is a sweetener that can be life-threatening to canines.


#20 Can Dogs Have Cherries?

can dogs eat cherries

Dogs can eat a small amount of cherries if they are cut up, with the pits removed. Feeding your dog a whole cherry is a bad idea: The pits, stems and leaves contain cyanide, which can be poisonous if your dog eats enough. Besides that, the pit can also pose a choking hazard.

If you’re baking, you may be tempted to throw your dog a pitless maraschino cherry. Since these are typically packed in syrup, the sugar content will be very high and unhealthy for your dog. Even eating fresh cherries, you should be careful about how much sugar your dog is consuming daily, especially if she is diabetic.


what can dogs eat

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